I didn't really like the way it looks by default: the title text is not bold and the alignment isn't the same as the Currently Active Users list.
So I made a little change to the template forumhome_tsxview.
I'm running vB4.1 with the latest patchlevel.
This is my new forumhome_tsxview, in case anyone would like the same look as I have now:
<!-- TSxViewer -->
<div id="ts_viewer" class="wgo_subblock section">
<h3 class="blocksubhead"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/teamspeak2.jpg" alt="TSxViewer" />{vb:raw phrase_tsx_currentuser}</h3>
{vb:raw tsxview_output}
<!-- /TSxViewer -->
As you can see, I uploaded a teamspeak2.jpg file, personally I like it better than the same users online icon.