I was having a little trouble understanding your error message, and then I realized, the [PHP] tags you used to post the error message was keeping the formating from the Validator from parsing in your post. It was garbling the message, which should look like this:
[hr]2[/hr]…a4a5e890bb82a5a812da67f811ec6" title="<span style='color:#000080'>final kaoss<…
This message may appear in several cases:
* You tried to include the "<" character in your page: you should escape it as "<"
* You used an unescaped ampersand "&": this may be valid in some contexts, but it is recommended to use "&", which is always safe.
* Another possibility is that you forgot to close quotes in a previous tag.[hr]2[/hr]
Yeah, it appears the mod isn't supposed to be used along with the vBulletin default markup. It's trying to add the color red to the title element mouseover. It's tucking code in the middle of a tag. If Hasann's modification already adds markup everywhere on the forum, as his description suggests, then I wouldn't think you need to add anything to the Usergroup Manager. Try using just his mod, or just the default Usergroup markup. But, clearly, both are not going to work together.
The reason I think it's doing this is because Hasann's modification is probably just using the [usertitle] variable in places it wouldn't ordinarily be (like in a title="" attribute). But vBulletin is coded to change the [usertitle] variable into the full HTML markup in your Admin CP. Hence the conflict.
--------------- Added [DATE]1294128352[/DATE] at [TIME]1294128352[/TIME] ---------------
For instance, say Hasann's user title's look like this in the templates:
HTML Code:
<span class="hasanns_classname" title="$post[usertitle]">$post[usertitle]</span>
So the HTML would look like this:
HTML Code:
<span class="hasanns_classname" title="Extreme Chaos Master!!!">Extreme Chaos Master!!!</span>
$post[usertitle] becomes
Extreme Chaos Master!!!
But if you add markup in the Usergroup Manager, it get's included in the variable. So
$post[usertitle] now turns into
<span class="color:red">Extreme Chaos Master!!!!</span>
So when the varible in Hasann's code converts, it converts a SPAN tag, right smack dab in the middle of another SPAN tag, on top of that adding an additional nested SPAN tag, breaking the code and making a garbled mess.:
HTML Code:
<span class="hasanns_classname" title="<span class="color:red">Extreme Chaos Master!!!!</span>"><span class="color:red">Extreme Chaos Master!!!!</span></span>
That's what I believe is happening.