@ Anti - Yes, as soon as I get done with the newer version I will start filling the easy requests that have been requested. Starting with Barteh's.
I just finished redoing the navbar code and all seems well with it. I am going to try and get the ordering to work in this version b/c I have a problem with the navbar moving inside and outside the roster.
Completed so far:
1) id's and m's can now be sorted.
2) navbar code redone and looks much better IMO.
In the works:
3) Whenever sorting is done, the stats do not work. This really isn't an issue though so I will set it up so the stats are not shown when sorting (easy).
4) Navbar positioning when in and out of the roster page (difficult).
5) Allow the roster button the option of being renamed (easy).
6) Setup a dropdown menu for the roster when using the advanced roster options (medium difficulty, just a lot of code changes. this may have to come in another version).
7) Find a way to fix the border for the roster. It does not inherit the color of the current template, but if I remove the code it breaks the roster. I may just put in code so it can be adjusted by the user. (should be easy, but not working).