Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL
Found the error on that image... It is there, but the the image path seems to be
PHP Code:
Not sure what is causing it
Only place which seem to be asking for that image is on line 759
PHP Code:
$achievements['imageurl'] = $vbulletin->options['bburl'].'/xperience/images/icon_achievements_default.png';
Very strange. Where exactly does this happen?
Originally Posted by Britmovie
Hi left image fixed but in todays release right the same?
Fixed in next version.
Originally Posted by btlewand
Really like this mod but there can be too much information displayed which is confusing to members. I basically want to be able to show the users total points in his profile page. The "Earn Points" tab is also nice but you have to also have the summary, ranking and promotions tab showing which I don't want.
You can disable many of the features, check settings.
Originally Posted by btlewand
Also, is there somewhere which explains "Level", "Level Up", and "Activity" since if one of my members asked me I wouldn't be able to explain to them what those terms mean.
How do I explain the Level? It's like a ladder where the people can climb up.
The Level up shows how many steps they need to take to reach the next level.
Activity is calculated based on their actions in the forum.
Originally Posted by btlewand
Finally, on the Summary page when I click the "Show Details" link it takes me to my profile but I am unable to get anything showing in the profile tab.
Please explain more what you are unable to get.
Originally Posted by sweetpotato
Thank you for the nice mod. I have used it for my site and recently I tried to use Advance Forum Points with vBexperience for VB 4.0.8. I have installed AFP plugin shiped in your download but it seems to not work.
Is it possible to use your mod with AFP for vb 4.0.8?
AFP should work with every version. Please tell me what exactly does not work.