Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
You can search Amazon or Bestbuy or whatever your favorite site is for "Wireless Access Point" - Here is one for an example. There are cheaper ones (wireless G) but wireless N is the newer/faster/better type. It will come with a setup CD, you'll probably just have to plug it into your cable modem/router via an included ethernet cable- then follow the setup CD and it will walk you through setting up the access point and securing it with a WPA passcode. Then on PS3 you setup wireless network settings, put in the network name and passcode, and you should be connected.
Thanks for the info. I'll check it out.
Originally Posted by rowedf
sorry, I just assumed if you were trying to set up wife, you had a wireless router to do it. Thats what you need.
Nope, no wife here.
Actually, the cable modem I have is supposed to handle wireless, but it has a sucky wireless speed. That is why I have it hooked up via ethernet to the computer.