Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
Considering the amount of coffee I consumed last night...yes.
I'll get everything set up on my end and wait for your arrival then.
Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
I read somewhere that the maximum length for network cables before their so long that performance begins to degrade is 100 meters. But then, I read that on another forum, so I don't really know where that info comes from, or how the 100 meter cables are made.
That is good to know. In the old days, it wasn't so easy. Cable signal degradation was a way of life.
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Originally Posted by Brandon Sheley
nope, are those games?
Yes, they are excellent PS3 only games, IIRC.
Originally Posted by Brandon Sheley
I just think it's pretty cool the stuff you can do with it, do a search on youtube for kinect hacks and you'll see what I mean.
I can post some video links if you wish.
I'm not trying to fight with anyone here, just stating my opinion that I think the technology is pretty slick.
Guess I'll just leave this convo since apparently a few people think I'm trying to fight, which I'm obviously not..
I was just messing with you on the Xbox. It really is a "cute" gaming system. I just keep thinking about the 100,000 units they had to recall when they first came out due to the main board error. Microsoft has always been a day late and a dollar short on cleaning up on ideas that they initially passed on. The only bad thing about the PS3 is that it is very hard to program games for. That has turned off a few developers from the system, as they chose the easy route and go for the Xbox.