Originally Posted by Da-Vinci
Got it working thanks. The only thing is some of the results are displayed pretty strangely.
Here is how it looks right now.
Also when you click on the referring sites link it only takes you to the sites home page rather than the referring page, but otherwise, it's a pretty nifty tool to have.
Something that has baffled me a little is the actual content of some of the referring sites as the content of my forum is a million miles away from that of some of these referring sites, but it's nice to see it all there in Black & White.
having a lot of weird content also
its spam obviously
?”ев?ƒ?ˆки с бол?Œ?ˆой г?€?ƒд?Œ?Ž
if u click on it they refer u to sites to buy things got nothing to do with my forums content at all and its getting more on every day ,to bad this is a great mod ,but somethings not good here ,cus it somehow is attracting spamsites
so for time being its un installed