Originally Posted by Warlord
Okay, so I uninstalled the old one, reinstalled with product version 1.5.2 and overwrote all of the FTP files with the new ones.
Well, the layout problems seem to be gone when this is active and it looks like the boxes check and uncheck like they should for Alternate Additions.
Avatars still don't show up no matter what I select in the drop down box.
None of the Alternate Additions appear in the User Spotlight when they are checked.
Custom Username CSS doesn't appear to work.
When the signature box is checked I still get the following error.
EDIT: Just wanted to note that I'm on vBulletin 3.8.4
Is the avatar not showing at all or is it a broken link?
Maybe you modified the template with a previous version and didn't revert? That's a possible reason why none of the additional fields are showing up at all.
The signature thing is weird. I installed 3.8.4 and the mod on my dev and I don't get that error with the signature enabled. Maybe it's something in the users sig that is messing it up? Can you pm me the text that's in the sig so I can try it out locally?