Originally Posted by arrow816
Still no one to help me do this?
You will need to edit the posbit template directly, remove any references to the default Edit/Reply etc and then code in your own that link to the images.
Look for:
<div class="postfoot">
<div class="textcontrols floatcontainer">
<span class="postcontrols">
<img style="display:none" id="progress_{vb:raw post.postid}" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/progress.gif" alt="{vb:rawphrase loading_editor_please_wait}" />
<vb:if condition="$post['editlink']">
<a class="editpost" href="{vb:raw post.editlink}" name="vB::QuickEdit::{vb:raw post.postid}"><img src="{vb:raw vboptions.cleargifurl}" id="editimg_{vb:raw post.postid}" alt="{vb:rawphrase edit_delete_message}" /> {vb:rawphrase edit_post}</a>
<span class="seperator"> </span>
Near the bottom of the template, that's where all the code for the current buttons you see is located all the way down to near the end you should easily be able to reference what each snippet of code does

Not sure if you know this but there's two different templates you can chose from when displaying post in your settings, postbit OR postbit_legacy so edit the correct one. postbit = the Horizontal user info going across the top just like you see here. posbit_legacy = how you see posts on vbulletin.com where your info is to the left in it's own "column".