Site Name: Masked Crusader
URL: (Auction Site) / (vB Forums)
Description: MMO trading/selling/buying forum for games like World of Warcraft, Aion, Runescape, etc.
Reason for Nomination:
Auction Site Home Page -- Completely custom skin design that matches our other market contribution with Masked Armory ( People can post up there accounts for sale for extra exposure outside of the forums!
Custom ratings system -- Shows on the threads and then there is a total ratings page per user that can be accessed via the "Ratings" link on the threads.
Quick Masked Armory -- product that creates an anonymous World of Warcraft armory via another site I created called 'Masked Armory' and then posts it back via a JSON request and puts it in the message box!
Auto-Banning + Duplicate IP CRON - Checks to see if the user has a previous registered username and if they do, then it adds a Neutral rating to their trader ratings. If they have a previously banned username, it automatically bans their new username.
Trust Who Association Product - If a user has been Trust Who Verified (can Google what this is if need be), then they simply enter in their registered TWV e-mail and press submit. Upon hitting submit, the product goes and checks to see if their e-mail is indeed attached to any TWV account. If it is, then a verification e-mail will be sent out to that e-mail and the user can click on the link inside to associate his TWV account with his new forum account.