Originally Posted by denman75
i want to get rid of it to, respect for the maker ,but on every page is to much
Absolutely right.
Before installing this mod remove these lines from XML
if(!defined('VBH_CPR')) {
$key = strpos($vbphrase['powered_by_vbulletin'], "vbhispano.com");
if($key === false){
$vbhcpr = '<br />Extra Tabs by <a href="http://www.vbhispano.com" title="Soporte vBulletin en Espa?ol">vBulletin Hispano</a>';
define('VBH_CPR', $vbhcpr);
$vbphrase['powered_by_vbulletin'] .= VBH_CPR;
If every developer puts a link to somewhere our forum becames a link garbage.