Originally Posted by dannycutts
new version does not work for me... in fact when I uninstalled it I did not notice any change....
Originally Posted by dannycutts
strange how this is just not a standard feature with Vbulletin we pay all that cash to them and it is about as flexible as a 6 inch steel....lol maybe one day it will be standard :-)
Originally Posted by DefenceTalk
Yeah, they made a half-ass "sidebar" for WHAT? As if users don't want latest replies and threads and other crap when they are viewing forum display and thread pages. It doesn't make any sense. I guess the developers want to keep some things open so people who DO need it would go out and look for their "side" businesses and pay extra.
It is also missing some features, which I ASSUME are not there or not possible. I made a post about it on vb and here but no answer. The two issues I am having is being able to use conditionals and php includes. I know that php includes MAYBE possible but there is mention of it in the manual so, I feel betrayed and regret buying upgrade from 3.8 to 4.1 for ONE of my forums.
They wasted too much effort on PoS CMS and I think that is why forum part has suffered.
Originally Posted by texasteamplayer
wierd. installing one removes the other from options...but looking at plugin manager, they are listed as separate mods.
this release is messed up. I recommend sticking with the current 1.3.4.
Guys this released version is for people wants to use sidebar for 1.4.1 and can't wait for the full release.
The full version is ready it is just needs more testing time.