No problem at all. I'm happy to assist - I think most people are afraid of me thehehehe - just teasing. But I completely understand - I was a newb out the gate when I opened my first forum, so I can appreciate someone new to vB wanting to learn the ropes.
As far as the width. It's really subjective - really depends on what you like. Some like the fluid widths because it adjusts to each browser resolution. I personally am a fan of fixed widths with a nice tiled background.
I wish I could help more - but honestly, I'm only familiar enough with vB4 to know that I hate the stylevar system. And I do not envy you the task of customizing your forum more LOL
Perhaps someone else more knowledgeable with vB 4 might come along and help you out....
ps - I really do like the concept that you are going for. It just needs to be cleaned a bit, like I said earlier - gotta smooth the rough edges. And I'm sure you'll get it to where you are pleased with it. Good luck!