Thank you for your reply, it means alot to me. I removed aLOT of forums and condensed the "militia by state" forums down to 5 main regional forums with subforums below that, so on the main index I removed over 50 forums (!) yeah, I guess I had a lot, (newbism!) so that was a big change there, I also changed the color of a few links to make them more visible. I didnt exactly create this from scratch, its just the default theme with alot of transparency and a fixed background image, (Ive thought of creating a few more themes for potential users to pick from) I like the constitution background, it goes with my site, ( I know its not about what I like, but what the users like) but my idea is our forums being superimposed over the constitution, almost like its a part of it. I appreciate your advice, and would really like to hear some suggestions on how I can make it not so "rough around the edges" without completely scrapping it. I would also like more reviews. Thank you!