THANK YOU , your mod is awesome , the fact that i have still no clue about /forum/images/ ? whatever . lol i was looking for a forums folder in the root . since i could not i just changed the image path . and thank you for letting me know this because i thought the option to pick yes was to add the button lol . so now , i know better .it works awesome now on VB 4.1 patch 2 like a charm
keep up the great work. long story short , I have no knowledge what so ever about any of this , I was thrown into this when the guy whom set up my site left to the military . this is a crash course for me , the lil i have learned has been through the gentlemen here explaining to me like , im special ed thats fine . thanks again
Originally Posted by orange gold
use {option} does not mean it puts it in your toolbar...
Option is a value in bbcode..
You need to have ti go to the images folder on your forums
So if your forums URL is /forums/images or whatever that is right.. It may be /forum or /index/images
What ever you set it to when you created the forum.
The "use {option}" needs to be set to NO.
Please let us know if this is now working.