well after alot of trial and error ill explain how i got it to work if any other noob has an issue like myself :
1st: I edited the HTML code changed it to point towards: <embed src="/images/ipspoiler.swf"
because I couldnt find a :<embed src="/forums/images/ipspoiler.swf"
then i put the ipspoiler.swf file into the images folder of my root ..
2nd : if you try to select to : Use {option} to add to the editor tool bar it for some weird reason saves but takes out the HTML code , so i just left it as no and when i hit save i got another weird message i just ignored n continued .
i now have it in my eidtor toolbar , though i dont know how if the option to do so is set to no .
cause when you set it to yes , instead of it displaying the slider in the replacement box it shows this :[ipspoiler]Hide your text in here...[/ipspoiler]
and where its suppose to still show the HTML code still it now shows this again : [ipspoiler]Hide your text in here...[/ipspoiler] while in the {BB code manager}
example 1 shows it set to not place as a button in the editor toolbar
example 2 shows it set to appear in the editor toolbar
that was my issue the html coding goes away when you select the yes option to set it as a button