Questions regarding paid subscriptions
I've read through the help files but they seem more software/setup related.
Is there anything to know, be aware of, avoid, etc of allowing paid subscriptions from other countries?
I would like to use paypal only. Will that be a good option for mostly US, UK, Canada, and closer surrounding Countries?
Is there any laws to be aware of from forum topics or something? Random country taxes etc?
Do I need to calculate the actual cost for those in the UK etc myself and type it into the subscription options or will paypal convert it for them itself automaticly (not familiar with the process)?
Probably my biggest dumb question... once I've setup my paypal account and 1 subscription option (already done both)... where does one go to view this subscription option? I don't see it in the registration area or in my own user settings (of course that's an admin account)?
Sorry for so many questions. Just not sure if this is something I should be targeting ONLY US people or if it's easy to open it up to the broader world without hassle?
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Is anybody running an international paid forum here that could give some insight?