Originally Posted by Barbara1
its the "username glow" effect
find the user (admincp) and go at his market settings (bottom right).
find the glow effect text field and delete whatever it says inside. leave it blank and save.
if you want to disable the effect in general, from your admincp go to the left bar with the products, and select:
point market >> forum items
you'll see a list. find the username glow thing, and at the right of that column you'll see a small "notebook" icon.
click on it and at the new window, go at the botom right. you'll see it as "enabled"
change it to "disabled", save and you're done 
You kinda misunderstood, but thanks anyway.
It's not only one or two, we are talking about hundreds.
The v2 had the glowing effect only in posbit, but v3 has it in wgo and the theadbit too.
Like this user has originally pink username, from usergroup. It was PINK till I upgraded to Market v3.
Short: Color names get overwritten by the market plug in. And I dont want any glows to show in WGO and thread bit.

I'm supposed to have red name, I have black name with red glow.
Anyway to solve this? Thanks.