Originally Posted by maryx
What I did was replace each image with another image that I preferred (gave them the same names as the originals.) They replaced OK, but the old images are still showing up. The image path I used is images/site_icons
I don't think this is the correct path, as php wasn't in there to be replaced.
Any help here? Thanks!
Suite means some images are in a cms folder and some in a blog folder... for example if it's the CMS here is the little speech bubbles:
So you need to overwrite those files, remember you can view all the folders and files fromt he vbulletin .zip file by extracting it to your local hard drive/desktop etc etc find the images there easily then navigate to each folder on your server or in ftp etc then overwrite

Edit: Ohh and right-click and view the image or it's location etc to see where it is!