Originally Posted by laztrix
Please make sure the imdb.gif has been uploaded to images/editor It must have been there because I included it in the installation.
I forgot to add something in the installation file. As we did before you have to add a custome bbcode:
In your administration panel click on "Custom BB Codes >> Ad New BB Code
Title: IMDB Plugin
BB Code Tag Name: imdb
Replacement: <imdb><script type="text/javascript">ajaxinclude("imdb.php?mid={param}")</script></imdb>
Sample: [imdb]0383574[/imdb]
Button Image: images/editor/imdb.gif
All other setting stays default. You don't have to do anything else, save these settings.
I get an error message quoting this
The following BB Code replacement may not be properly formed. All HTML attributes should be enclosed within double quotes.
* <imdb><script type="text/javascript">ajaxinclude("imdb.php?mid={param}")</script></imdb>