Originally Posted by vividbreeze
Can I set which forums I want it to pull from?
This is pretty expensive btw when there is another mod thats half the price, i wont link it but here is the features ....please tell me how yours is better because I am interested and may buy it even at that price due to the other mod works but would like more features.
The other mod: (How does yours compare??)
Display threads jpg attachments (one per thread) into a slideshow from any preset forums
Fully automated.
Over 12 display modes including external Flickr feed
Supports unlimited categories, unlimited images.
Fast loading, NO QUERIES
XML driven. Search engines love that
Admincp configurable
Please keep in mind ForumSlider is a very new thing and is under constant development. Currently ForumSlider can do all the above feature (however the forums threads have to be setup as a RSS Feed before hand). Feel free to wait a week or so and check back, I am confident we will have a new update by then. Also here are some future features we want to include:
Intelligent Image Substitution - A robust system that will search an image bank (with thousands of images) and find a image which matches very closely to the content, using keyword comparison. This is only for those items in a RSS Feed which don't have images.
Flexible Slider Customization - Allows you to fully customize your slider how you wont it - without requiring you to write a single line of code. We plan on having both an online slider designer and a downloadable version programmed in either C++ or C#.