Hello if you are experienced and willing to complete the design here is my current webhosting plan
We have a top million alexa site branching out into hosting and I have just purchased a good reseller package, offering many features.
I would like to host from:
http://carpediem.im/hosting <-- This site has a demo template on already.
hosting.carpediem.im (redirect to above)
and the primary site where everything is to be set up:
I need someone who is able to configure the packages, plans, design & set up the site, and respond to hosting tickets and account creations. (I will also be on to offer support and set up clients accounts)
This is potentially a very successful venture, and we have unlimited hosting. I am not asking for any financial commitment just your time & experience.
It will be a profit share not income share, so you will receive your percentage after the hosting costs have been met.