Originally Posted by Juggernaut
Does this work only for images as attachments? I'm not getting anything with images used from image hosting sites like image shack.
This works for images that use BB code or (image tags). Im not quite sure if attachments work, if they parse into RSS then yes. Remember it must show in your rss feed for it to show in the slider. I've used images from image shack and hosting sites and it worked perfectly.
Originally Posted by iyama
Thats a static slider - doesn't change after you build it. In the past we developed these custom static ones but really it was lame because it would be too time consuming to update every time you wanted it to look different. ForumSlider updates automatically with no maintainance.
Originally Posted by teamsupra
$123 for pro? Whoa.. There are a lot of free slideshow apps that can be easily implemented in VB. The only difference between this one and the free one's would be on the free ones you would have to explain the image, description and url in an XML file, while this one simply pulls it from your RSS feed.
Not a bad plugin but no way should the ability to add more than 2 images or branding free cost $123.
THanks for the lite teaser but I will pass.
We have hidden discount codes around the site if you search through the blog. Also there will be more features in pro as time comes including multiple styles, size adjustments, mini navigation and other forum enhancements. It took a lot of time to develop and integrate this into vBulletin. It's not for every site, but if your trying to go big with your website, or already have lots a guests and visitors, then it's worth it.