when users go to register or post a new thread...it gives them this error below in quotes....althoug it still lets them perform these actions when they logout it doesnt let them log back in....i am running
Vb 2.2.1 and iv tried all the above solutions and none work...please help me my site needs to grow
// Stars Hack $usergstars=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT starlevel,starimg FROM usergroup WHERE usergroupid='$newusergroupid'"); if ($usergstars[starlevel]=="") { $getstars=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT starlevel,starimg FROM stars WHERE minposts<=$bbuserinfo[posts]+1 ORDER BY minposts LIMIT 1"); $userstarlvl=$getstars[starlevel]; $userstarimg=$getstars[starimg]; } else { $userstarlvl=$usergstars[starlevel]; $userstarimg=$usergstars[starimg]; } // Stars Hack End