Wow, it really is Christmas! =)
So I just installed this on 4.06 (edited the XML version so I could) and I understand you say it may work, etc. But wanted to give you an error report incase it's something else.
When editing a usergroup, I get the following error once per channel or server group, not sure.
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in [path]/admincp/usergroup.php(201) : eval()'d code on line 15
I have a few hundred users of my TS server with anywhere from about 25-50 on most of the time. This is pretty much something I started to write myself at one point and then didn't have the time. (I even had the profile field already there and configed the same. heh).
Anyway, if you don't wanna support 4.06 that's cool, just trying to help out where I can. =) Please let me know why you think it might not work on 4.06 so I can either try to work around it or see if I want to attempt an upgrade (my site is pretty custom so... things tend to break a lot with upgrading).
Questions, Etc.
I'd like all members within a specific usergroup to be able to generate tokens (which is looks like you have) that allow specific things. However, I'd also like to somehow validate that they are the ones using those tokens if possible. Not sure how to do this, but... I just want members to be able to be as self reliant as possible.
Along those lines, set (per usergroup) how many times within X time they can generate a token. I'd like them to be able to do it once every 30 days for example. Otherwise they need to talk to an admin to see what the problem is.
As you already mentioned, trapping when someone's usergroup is changes would be very nice.
The viewer doesn't display custom icons for server groups. Not sure if these can be downloaded from the server or if they'd need to be uploaded to the web server manually, but either way would be good.
An icon displayed in the postbit as to the users current TS status would be nice, a mouse over tooltip of what channel they are in and how long they've been connected/idle too.
I'm not sure how heavy that would be on the server, but for myself... I'd like to try it anyway and see.
I'll come up with more ideas later, I guess I really just need to get it working first though. heh