I have a couple of questions about this mod if you have the time.
1. Is it possible to have members added to a roster based on a custom user profile field instead of by usergroup?
2. Is it possible to have members added to a roster based on usergroup and custom user profile field?
I have a site that is dedicated to a table top wargame (
Wings of War) and one of my biggest challenges is organizing and networking the players in the real world.
I have Wing Commanders that oversee an entire country, they in-turn appoint Squadron Commanders over States/Provenances, and then those guys appoint Flight Leaders which actually head up the local gaming group/club (the members).
The Wing and Squadron Commanders also act as moderators on the site. This limits me from breaking each location down to a usergroup (would have to have an ungodly number of usergroups to cover all the locations and leaders).
Thank you for your time,