Originally Posted by wampforum
instalkled this but have a coupe of questions - my dates are 1 day too early - even if I try the alternate code its still showing wrong (I prefer the layout on the first code anyway) is there a way to adjust this?
Second thing is there a way to make it pull dates from a single calendar? At the moment it also pulls from a private calendar
In regards dates are 1 day too early - if any changes are made to the events or calendar: Once the changes are complete: See if saving the widget block again - this may fix it.
I changed
HTML Code:
$format = sprintf("From %s to %s",date('jS M
Layout : I perfer not to have the word
HTML Code:
$format = sprintf(" %s to %s",date('jS M
Sorry! I have not played/seen with the layout on the first code.