So... I guess I should do one of these introduction threads... so without further ado I think it's time for a spiffy introduction graphic- centered.

I didn't bother making a custom graphic so I just used a sig from some of the sites I frequent... As you can see I'm quite fond of Jeeps. My first experience with vBulletin was as a user on the forums at for a number of years- we had a very large and exciting "off-topic" forum and it was the place to be for years. During my time at JU I also got my first taste in forum "goderation" as a lowly "forum leader" in their computer and technology forum (Jeep Geeks.) Unfortunately over disagreements with a couple of senior moderators I resigned my position after just a few months (some will say i was "fired" but they are all liars.) Anyway I remained an active participant of the forum for a couple more years until without any warning the new ownership of the forum decided to delete their "Off-Topic" board and ban all the frequent OT posters... In a blunder that would rival "New Coke" in the forum world several hundred frequent posters were immediately homeless. Within a couple days I was able to get a vBulletin forum up and running and I even managed to get a domain name to match what we used to call Jeeps Unlimited Off Topic, "JUOT", which now stood for "Joe's Ultimate Off Topic." Good thing my name is Joe. Anyway that was about 2.5 years ago and I've been learning vBulletin ever since (aside from a 1 year stay in a hospital in-between but that is another story...)
I grew up in Brooklyn, New York and moved to Queens not long after graduating from Hofstra University. I was an Electrical Engineer by schooling and had a position as Director of Engineering & Technology for a liquor importing business where I worked for about 10 years. I was writing php and mysql web applications for work so I had some experience with these things before I started with vBulletin.
I have no wife and no kids so I found a picture of a baby in a penguin costume for your amusement.
Unlike that kid, these dogs are mine... Rebel and Charley Dog...
Here's a picture of me, more or less... (actually there's less of me these days but you get the point)
This is an even older one but one of my favorites because it's from Sedona, Arizona!
"God may have created the Grand Canyon, but he lives in Sedona"
And one more with my Jeep (at the time):
So that's a little about me, I'm sure you're bored already if you're even still reading... I'll go back to working on mods and answering questions again.