Originally Posted by gregmlb
Okay - so this morning I have studied the suggestions from post #5 above ... which would involve moving what I think is the right code to the navbar template, and pre-registering the variables. I believe that if I take this on myself, I'm likely to burn up many more hours trying to get it right ... and also create many more thread posts here asking for help ... and so here are what I believe are my options:
1) Stick with my wonderful/working 3.8.6 forum - this is undesirable because my forum needs a makeover ... plus at some point, I'm sure that 3.8.6 will go end-of-life.
2) Cosmetically change the foreground/background colors of the user log on section - so that it is really obvious ... and just keep that located in the upper right-hand side of the browser. This is undesirable because it just doesn't look right - violates the "look and feel" of my overall website (the forum is just one part of my overall website).
3) Have someone to do this mod for me - this is undesirable for obvious reasons. Plus philosophically, I have to question why something like this is not built-in to vB4 ... shouldn't it be? Or should all vB4 owners who embed their forum into a larger site be coders? I guess I'm lobbying here for some ease-of-use improvements to vB4.
4) Wait for someone much smarter than me (and/or someone with more time on their hands) to take this exact issue on, and then post about how to do it. This is the preferred approach for me - the variable, of course, is time. I was hoping to migrate my forum from 3.8.6 to 4.1.0PL2 by 12/31/2010 ... and there is certainly no guarantee that someone will take this on before then (or even IF someone will take this on, for that matter).
Anyone have any comments about the above?
How about... I felt the same way (frustrated) until I kept on and worked through it... well previous vB3 experience had me up to par but that's the besides the point, the actual point is you need to learn it this way you can have free reign over your site and how to develop it

Originally Posted by Antidepresiv
I totaly agree with you, since Superman posted those links i tried to do the same, but those posts from Cellarius, about registering variables are just too confusing for a normal user. Also for that matter i have asked a number of ppl to help me, but no1 seems to know how, some of them even don't care about it, with an exception for the user "TheWindows7site", only satisfaction that i have found now, or so to say solution for this is in this thread https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...=238152&page=7 and in the post #95 by
Alteran Ancient.. But them again, when you use this, after users log in, the login info again goes on top..  So it's 50% percent of what i would like to have for my forums. Anyway gregmlb, seems like we are left to ourselves to figure this one out. :/ Never thought it would be so hard just to add the old vbulletin login fields. And once again i totaly agree with you, only thing left to say is that i will work on this, and if i solve it, i will post here..
Best Regards,
TheWindows7Site is actually a very helpful member I've noticed he knows quite a bit about styling and css so we're lucky to have him on here posting

Remember this is simple a discussion on how to move the login box, we certainly don't want to open up a can of worms about how vB should and should not be besides my list is bigger LOL so you two work on this, take your time and I guarantee you will get it!
Edit: I took a few minutes to run through this and you can easily move it to the navbar the only snag will be the css meaning you'll have to do some adjustments to make it look right after moving it just a heads up

. *The only thing that will botch this all to hello and back is as Greg noted in one of his previous posts in regards to a style... if the user is on a smaller screen they will see the text all scrunched up and it will look awkward.
You could easily for now modify the .toplinks css definition (Search in templates) and where it says top: 0; simply change that to top: 40px; or something along those lines to easily move the header up and down.