Originally Posted by Lynne
The template is the threadbit template, so you can look in there. I did a quick test and tried adding a bunch more text and discovered that a <br /> basically ended any output and I couldn't, in my quick look, see what set the height of the box.
using firebug I found this in the threadbit template.
<div class="threadmeta">
<p class="threaddesc">{vb:raw thread.preview}</p>
{vb:raw thread.preview} Were this code is it lists the info you see in the preview. But I can not see were you can increase the size or even the size of the box now. What makes the box as big as it is? What makes it put in the text and how it knows were to stop the text in the preview.
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When I hover over the thread title in firebug this is the text I see in that spot were you see vb:raw. But what makes it stop were it stops? On the right side of fire bug it says stuff about css.php. Could that be were that info is? I am not a fire bug expert so not sure how to run all the functions of the program.