Originally Posted by Lynne
The recommended way would be to copy/delete the code from the header and put it into the navbar template. But, you'll have to understand html and css a bit for that. You'd also have to write a plugin to preregister all the variables used in that <div> for the navbar since they probably aren't registered for use there.
I could sure use some additional fairly specific input on how to do what Lynne describes above. Seems like a fair number of people could actually benefit from it. [If I sound LAZY by requesting this help - I would have to disagree ... I've been burning through many hours and hours of my vacation just getting to this point (which I believe is the last hurdle for getting my working 3.8.6 forum over to 4.1.0PL2)]. This has been the mother of all science projects! Wooohoooo!
I am also at the point of being willing to pay someone to do this last mod for me - so if I cannot be coached, then perhaps you can point me to where I can hire someone to do this in a hurry (as I want to do the upgrade ideally before 12/31/2010).
Here is a shot of exactly what I'm talking about ...