Hello and thank you for helping and contributing to the VB community.
For the longest time, on my forum I was running VB 3.8 . I had a custom blackberry application made that was running on 3.8 for the past year. Once I had the app running decently, I had no real motivation to get it perfect because I figured that once I upgrade to the new 4.1.0 VB version, I would have had to go back to the drawing board since the architecture is different.
To my suprise, once I upgraded to the latest VB 4.1.0 PL2, my forum blackberry application still works the same way it worked before under VB 3.8
Basically, since the blackberry is not fun to browse with, the application helps you read threads and reply to PMS just like they were txts.. almost...
First you run the app on the Blackberry
I added a dummy forum to show how the different subforums get listed
So with this app, you can log in your account to
READ PMS and reply
Send new PMs if you can memorize the user's name you want to communicate with
Read a thread with last post coming up as first
Reply to a thread
Create a new thread in any forum.
ok new features added
From the top menu once you log in, you will be able to click on forums
Then you have a choice to make a thread, search or just browse the forums and reply to individual threads.
Clicking on the NEW THREAD choice
Now you have to select which forum do you want the thread posted
when you click the forum option a list will display all available forums
In this example, I click on PARTS WANTED forum and type the details of what I need.
When you reply to a message thru the vbulletin app,
on the actual website, you do get

so you know this is a PM your replied to, and the user also gets notified by email even if they have deactivated that feature.
Now, that I know it works for the current VB version, I am interested in making it better and eventually coming up with a plan to offer it to anyone.
Personally, as a forum admin that used to have a regular job, it did help me out a lot during the day. Usually people that PM you, want a reply immediatelly and this is what this app did for me.
Thank you for reading