Hello all you superb .org community members!
I wanted to take a few minutes and introduce myself considering I'm now one of the new "Advisors" for the site this way you know who is helping you when you ask for it, this shouldn't take long and I'll try to keep it short and sweet

My name is Michael Miller Jr, I'm a funny and quite hilarious father of three. I live in Trinity North Carolina with my wife and three children plus I'm currently helping support my mother and her husband while they recover from a well... tbo the worst string of bad luck I've seen in years

. Now let's see my wife's name is Gentry and she's a few years younger than myself, I'm still quite young at 28 years old although I will admit to the gray hairs that I keep seeing all over the place LOL! Our kids are McKinley age 8, Aiden age 3, and Emma at nearly 18 months and I love them more than words can describe!
I'm self employed with a booming business and I'm certainly not here to advertise that in any way so if your curious about what I do you'll have to do some digging around

however I would like to list some of my past experience so your aware of my capabilities.
- 6 + Years experience in CAD (Computer Aided Design) using CimPACK, AutoCAD, BobCAD 3D, and many more various CAD systems.
- 4+ Years experience creating and writing Custom Macros and Menus for use with CimPACK Software by Cimex Corporation.
- 1+ Year experience in Blister packaging including designing and milling of parts for use in various machines.
- 4+ Years experience in Website Development & Design.
- 4+ Years experience in vBulletin™ including Modifications, Styles, and Management.
You can view more here on my Linkedin page if interested:
I've worked for Lasercut Die companies in the past and actually have lasercut metal and wooden designs of Superman symbols and neat designs all over the place (My wife says I'm a "Hoarder" when it comes to anything Superman and btw I love Superman if you can't tell that by now

). I'm actually good with quite a few things other than vBulletin and that includes Automotive work, Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, all the things my wife wants me to take care of, I just happen to know how

and no that's not a play on women by far... my wife is a go getter and hard worker too even more so than myself with some things!
Other than that I'm a pretty straight forward type of guy, I like to give credit where it's due and simply like to see people helping others when they have the opportunity! I'm going to be very active along with the other new Advisors and I'm truly looking forward to helping many of you. Well I believe that was as short and sweet as my long winded self could make it so don't be afraid to say hey by posting below or via PM, I won't bite... maybe nibble a little bit!
Also before I go since it's so close to that time of year, I wish all of you a sincere and very merry - Merry Christmas!
Michael Miller Jr aka TheLastSuperman