Originally Posted by onehost
You can have all the info you want on the site, but if you evade the actual
"how does this actually protect" rather then saying it just does, then you
end up with more questions then answers...
If you got your site registered, your first question is going to be
ok, im protected, but how...? It does not matter at this point
if the other side win's or loses, its going to court to begin with
that could financially ruin you...if i register, is dot.gov going to pay my
legal fees should some atty not care if I am registered or not?
the moral of this story is, exactly how am I protected?
If you are going to setup a site to collect money..
well I think I deserve to know, not some hot shot answer...
your just protected, that is careless, and not good enough for me.
kh99 answered you correctly. You seem to want Copyright.gov to guarantee that your content isn't infringing... and you can't find it on Copyright.gov because
they don't do that.
Filing a Registered Agent form with Copyright.gov simply tells others who you've designated to handle any copyright concerns regarding your website -- it's an entry in a database,
not an insurance policy.
If you're outside of the US, then all this talk about DMCA and Copyright.gov is irrelevant to you, and you should consult a legal advisor in your own country.