@ Grey_Goose - Think of this like the member list that can appear on every forum. There are columns, but each user only has 1 row. You cannot give a user more than that.
So, to answer your question, there is not a way to currently make it handle multiple characters. Not without a lot of additional programming. Sorting would also no longer work since that has to be done per a single column. This is not something I would be willing to work without compensation for my time. Sorry.
Barteh/rowedf - I started looking into the changes for that one, not too hard, but I will want to release the next version before I give the needed changes. Just in case what I give you no longer is the same after the next version. I would not be willing to redo it. Anyhow, I'll tell you how after the release. Scheduled for 1st week of January, unless I get a burst of free time before then or my trip gets canceled. The latter is looking likely right now.