Blog in Postbit
Yes, I am back once again asking for help.
I was wondering if someone could help me out by suggesting a way to be able to have a members most recent blog posted (using vb publishing suite) display in their postbit (legacy).
I am hoping that if I write a blog titled: vB.ORG Members the best
that in my postbit (legacy) I can have a piece of code that displays:
Most Recent Blog:
vB.ORG Members the best <-- with that linked to the blog post.
I would also like if someone could share the code that if the member doesn't have a blog it says:
Most Recent Blog:
Member hasn't posted a blog... YET!
At the moment all that comes up if they have a blog is Blog Entries: 1
Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I know there is a mod out there using CARP to display members blogs but these are for blogs in general I want mine to be specific to vB's software.