I just looked at your forums... you should create a favicon.ico file... this is a small graphic that shows in the web browser and when someone bookmarks your site. You can google for info on how to make and upload one.
I like the footer bar graphic but the white text for "contact us" and such doesn't contrast enough with the colors in the footer graphic- if I didn't know what they were supposed to say I'd have a hard time reading them.
I'm not a fan of your logo graphic- I really can't tell what is going on in the picture and the "MM" on the side seems like an afterthought- I think that should be front and center. (Obviously this is all just opinion)
I noticed some (most?) of your forums the threads can't be viewed by guests... I know this seems like a way to get more people to join but if guests can't view threads then search engines can't view threads either so you're going to lose out on a lot of traffic of people searching for topics covered in your threads.
Finally in your footer your 'Vbulletin" link is the same color as the background basically making 'vBulletin" invisible. Per your license agreement you must keep vBulletin text and it must be readable, you'll need to change the link color or the background color to be in compliance.