I started up this site not even knowing the differense between a domain host and a domain url. Not knowing anything about creating websites has lost me alot of members but by keeping faith and having such a strong desire to help others by sharing my football knowledge i have come a long, long way. I now have a site i can be proud of and share with you guys. Please spend a little bit of your time reviewing this site and let me know what i can do to make better. My goal is to have the number 1 madden tournament website. I feel with this communitys help i will achieve this goal. Eventualy i will be buying a elitegamingladder script so the ladder on the forum i have now will not be needed eventualy. Below i have put my homepage, forum and old ladder, any suggestions will be considered and greatly appreciated.
Site Homepage-
Site Forum-
Old Ladder-
New Ladder-
Forum Ladder