Originally Posted by onehost
Do you realize what you just said?
"$75,000 judgement against you that you need to declare bankruptcy he'll take that"
The problem with this statement is, if you file BK, he gets nothing, and I personally
have debt in excess of $100k but coming after me would not be cost effective.
You are ignoring it's not JUST the money. He will be HAPPY to send a message and bankrupting some forum owners who didn't protect copyrights of articles he owns the rights to will be just fine for RightHaven even if it costs him a few hours time to file some paperwork and go before a judge.
Originally Posted by mrt12345
there is a clause if you post a article and you put a link to where the article is originated then i heard there is nothing much he can do. but dam i am thinking of the terminology.
This is completely incorrect. A link makes no legal difference... You might find some Copyright holders won't complain if you leave a link but it doesn't protect you in any way shape or form.
How he can get you is if you modify the story to try to make it your own then there is a problem.
I had done some research ways back and i even had a great link on the laws about copyright
literature . there are some rule also is you keep the name of the author .
There are rules of
etiquette where you'd keep the author's name but it is in no way any more legal to infringe copyrighted material with or without the author's name.
I am going to look into this again . man i should of kept the information.
update do some searching under the "fair use" this is a gray matter but it could help you get out of trouble.
Wikipedia is not going to defend you or aide in your defense in court.
plus i think in order to sue you he has to prov lost of income and damages
Absolutely not true... You do not need to prove damages to file a copyright infringement claim.
LOOK... I'm not trying to sell anyone on this- I'm not going to debate whether RightHaven is right or wrong in what they are doing- I'm just telling you what they are doing and you can choose to listen or not. I'm not going to try and convince anyone else.
I was trying to enlighten people like mrt12345, I was like him too... I "always heard" or thought I knew the "facts" about copyright law but the last few months following RightHaven were a a GIANT wake up call- Everything you think you know about copyright law and the DMCA is wrong.
Every major website in the USA, and even many foreign sites, have Registered Agents. You can follow the link I gave... Amazon, EBay, CNN, Fox News, Craigslist,
Internet Brands, vBulletin.com, vBulletin Solutions, AOL,
Google, and
Facebook are just some of the sites who have registered...
What do they all have in common? Teams of lawyers who know more about the law than I and probably you ever will.