Whoopsie... I forgot all about the search results...
OK, no problem... we need to do a couple things...
First in the plugin you already have we need to change
$thread['postdate'] to
Next in the template edit you need to change
$thread[postdate] to
Finally we have to add 1 more plugin...
go to Admin CP -> Plugin Manager -> Add a New Plugin
Product: vbulletin
Hook Location: search_results_threadbit
Title: make search dates
Execution Order: 5
PHP Code:
$thread['fdate'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $thread['dateline']);
$thread['ftime'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $thread['dateline']);
$thread['postdatex'] = $thread['fdate'] .' '. $thread['ftime'];
Set Active to YES
Save The Plugin
You should now get the correct dates in both the forums and search results.(Which includes Today's Posts and New Posts).
--------------- Added [DATE]1292592135[/DATE] at [TIME]1292592135[/TIME] ---------------
Note: I have updated the original instructions so anyone searching for this later can simply follow the complete instructions in my earlier post, (post #2).