Originally Posted by PreciseDemise
Have a problem with the Tabs in User Profiles, they look gnarly.
You can see what I mean in my Profile here I have made no changes to the theme other than the colouring of elements already in place. I do have a few add-ons that add tabs to this area (DB Tech Advanced User Tagging, Yet Another Awards System & vB3 Arcade).
Another issue I have is ... I have swapped the Text boxes and Input fields areas to White Text, Dark Grey background, but have a problem with login in Firefox & Chrome being light grey text on white background when focuses, I fixed in Opera and IE7/8/9 to the best of my knowledge, but Firefox and Chrome persist, can you offer advice on this?
Something is out of whack. Since none of the main templates are changed from default and I have not done any changes to any of the tabs it has to be the mod/mods or something you may have changed. Its creating a border for the tab plus a border for the tab description. Import the style again using a different name than your current one. See if the default Blackend style has this issue.
As for the login text issue i really have no idea without spending some time with it.
Originally Posted by Devil_Dog
How did you change it to red. I use the red theme as well and am waiting on the updated template. If you could tell me I could upgrade sooner.
Red version coming soon.