Originally Posted by kermit2
Can you clarify exactly what is going wrong?
Whats gone wrong is you stole the code from Miserable users but dont actually understand how it all works, the result being it doesnt work.
Originally Posted by kermit2
I've made an alteration which may fix it
By "alteration" I assume what you mean is you took a bit more of my original code in the hope that it might fix it - but it didnt.
Originally Posted by kermit2
Snatta: before you get too worked up, don't forget that I wrote this in my spare time, and am making it available for free.
Who wrote it ? What you mean is I wrote it, and then you copied it, and changed the actual effects - possibly wrote that little bit, or maybe you copied that from somewhere as well. I dont know.
Originally Posted by cyberchief
It amazes me how worked up people get over FREE Mods... and get all upset with those who donate their hard work.
Please see above re "hard work".
Wow .. I just noticed you released it on my birthday. Not cool.