Originally Posted by Barteh
Bit like this:
CoD4 CoD5 CoD7 BFBC2 etc etc
Member 1 ? ? ? ?
Member 2 ? ? ? ?
Member 3 ? ? ? ?
Member 40 ? ? ? ?
User input field per category (i.e. game) would be a pulldown menu or a set of radio buttons, either simply with the same colour codes or descriptive texts like this:
Are you active in this game?
Don't own it
I'm not entirely sure how to properly do the conversion bit from text values to images. Maybe the last value should be simply 'no' so the options can simply be variables translating to image names (occasionally.jpg -> dark green pip for example). But at my first attempts I mostly just broke the script 
That's a bit complicated to put into the actual code b/c it forces me to add more options (there are already so many). Especially for something not everyone would use. I'm sure a good number of people would use it, but it really does not look like a majority. Also, you need to consider this would most likely have to be its own column. What to do if people want to use this for multiple columns?
So, the better way to go for this would be to give you a walk through on how to do it. This would allow you to update any of the columns you want and as many as you want. Give me the weekend and I'll try to tell you how to do it by Monday. Give me a reminder on Tuesday if I have not posted it. Also, please click install. I only put special code together for those that have Install clicked.