It will not work in the sidebar because the amount of editor controls are too large for it to be used in the sidebar.
You can move it anywhere you want, if the automatic deployment doesn't suit your needs, by editing the instance and following the instructions on the screen
Originally Posted by majorj0nny
I used to use infern vbshout with vb3.8 but yesterday upped everything to vb4, and could not get that to work, after messing about I installed this vbshout - and even though its not enabled to work on my vbadvanced homepage, the old inferno vbshout has started working again ? is as if ones feeding of the other somehow?
They are completely unrelated, though I don't discount there may be some conflict. Did you remember to import the proper XML file for vB4?
Originally Posted by majorj0nny
oh - vbshout on a vbadvanced homepage seems to kill the online users module.
That's a bug in vBAdvanced they have thus far refused to fix, there's sadly nothing I can do about this