Originally Posted by Antidepresiv
Hello Logician, and thank you for this great hack! However i have a problem, here is my forum link . It's messing my header and footer pretty bad, can you help me with this, it would be realy appreciated. thank you again.
By default vbulletin has header related CSS/styling code only in header template and footer related code only in footer template. By this way other applications like webtemplates which wants to use vb header and footer can do so by inheriting these templates. However some designers might put some their styling codes in other vb templates too and in this scenario it is not possible for other applications but vb to render them correctly. As a matter of fact this kind of designing is a bad practise as structurally header/footer styling should only be done in header/footer templates as they are intended to. Therefore unfortunately the designer who did your custom design needs to fix this problem, it is not possible for me to fix it in WT end.