Hey Phalynx,
I believe I have a pretty nice idea for your mod... as a user of your mod for over a year, I really appreciate it and it helps boost our forum activity BY A LOT!
My suggestion:
Could you make it so that lets say if a user refers someone else they get a point (already done). But if that user refers someone else afterwards, the original referrer gets a point.
Bob refers John, Bob gets a point.
John refers Adam, Bob and John get a point.
Make it so that maybe as the tree gets further generations (if you get my visual concept), the further the user is away, the less points an original user will get. This would be made so that the original user wouldn't accumulate TOO much points.
Another idea using the same concept, is the option to give them points based on their points, actions etc..
We would have the option to check off what actions a "Tree grower" would receive points for and how much.
What you think? This would make members VERY happy on our boards, because now other people are doing the job of earning points for them, and in return, the forums thrive in activity.