Originally Posted by extreme-gaming
I installed the newest version and it came out like that. No template edits. If he doesn't want to support this anymore, than I won't support the footer advert at the bottom of this now broken mod any more.
Actually I never looked at it with the default template or a wide template like your's so that might be the issue. The template I am using is like 960 width and the details template was floating over the border.
Ok try this. Make a new template from the template screen or upload one of the free ones. This is only to test it and you can delete it later. I noticed changes in other templates that would affect the mod. I think it's a template issue to be honest.
Originally Posted by Helmut71
anyone has this runing under 4.1?
It's running fine for me. I had it with 4.0.8 on install of the mod and then upgraded to 4.1. It should still work.