Hi Ted,
Installed with 4.1.0 and so far seems to be working very well! Thank you for this wonderful modification. I'm attaching a few screen shots to illustrate.
FYI on the initial install we encountered an issue some others have had. On click to rate and refresh of the page the rating display reads: "%1$s members found this post helpful." We found it resolved when choosing a non-rollover/javascript display option.
We would like to include an icon on the FORUMDISPLAY view in the icon info area that indicates posts have been rated as helpful in any given thread. Is there a variable that would work at this level (kind of a noob with php)?
Also, we like the idea of a two-tier positive rating, e.g. "helpful answer" and "correct answer." Has this ever been considered, and any preliminary thoughts on how best to go about it?
Finally, a +1 for others' suggestions to make the voting not anonymous in the showthread display.
Again, thank you Ted!