Originally Posted by Helmut71
I've noticed a style error on my laptop (IE7). The screen is stretched and a table seems to be too large...
Anything I can do about this?
Upgrade to IE8 (IE9 is on the way). IE7 was released in 2006

I know there are some small design errors with older IE versions, but they are not first priority to me. Though a redesigned interface is something on my todo list.
Originally Posted by ImagenSkins
How do you make it so that the most recently commented file is on top, like forumdisplay updates the the thread order from top to bottom from the most recent comment to the most old...?
That's currently not a sort option as the last comment date isn't saved in the file table (the last download date is). Good suggestion though.
Originally Posted by razyzg
Is it possible to modify this mod so that members can download .avi files.
I am adding this .avi files on a link.
It adds the file but when I click on the doanload button I just get some letters, looks like an error or something. But the download works in Firefox, but not in IE (I am using 8).
And offcourse I added avi to exstension list...
When I upload it normally it works great, but thats not the option I need.
Linked files are beyond the control of DownloadsII. When you link a file, DownloadsII just redirects you to the link. It can't control the headers sent by the server then.
Originally Posted by Crotan
Hmmm I have an .htaccess file already. However it in a directory up from where the downloads.php is located.
For instant my .htaccess file is located within /www
and the downloads.php file is located within /www/forums
Do i edit the file I already have or create a new one following the instructions
The directions you linked to said to create and place a .htaccess file in the same directory as downloads.php is this right?
Both should do the same thing
Originally Posted by stl7997
I had Downloads II disabled on my forum for a couple months and now I have returned back to it. I'm noticing that in the stats is says I have over 4 billion files? How do I reset this?
Downloads -> Manage Files (downloads.php?do=manfiles) -> Update Counters