Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL
Not un-installed (yet). Kind of hoping the developer will work things out.
Originally Posted by onehost
You mean the op is back? was going to buy some of your mods, but I noticed you vanished, and your complaints adding up, smart not to order...hope you are working things out....
Originally Posted by Brandon Sheley
I spend very little time here on vbulletin.org - I might check in once every two or three weeks when Im doing modifications to my boards, otherwise I sometimes go months without checking.
I DO mention in my threads to contact me at my board!
Alternatively, if you really dont want to sign up on my forum, Im on twitter every day:
If you dont want to sign up on twitter either, well..... erm..... tough
Originally Posted by cdoyle
I think I'm going to just disable this one. The more I think about it, wouldn't this hurt your rankings?
Wouldn't this be the same as keyword stuffing on a page, which Google looks for and uses against you?
Originally Posted by extreme-gaming
I went from 300 uniques/day to over 800 after installing this so no, it's not keyword stuffing and google won't use this against you.
its not keyword stuffing by my definition of it, and I'm a full time pro SEO. I also use it on my own board, which ranks #1 for "seo forum".
Like all things though, if you're not comfortable using it, dont. nobody is forcing you